Telegram’s co-founder and billionaire boss Pavel Durov’s arrest and release by the French authorities on a conditional bail of $8.19 million caused much uproar over the future of the app’s long-standing principal on safeguarding user privacy. Durov was detained over charges of allowing Telegram to turn a den for money launderers, child sexual abuse materials, terrorists, drug traffickers, and more. He was also accused of not cooperating with the authorities in sharing relevant information. In his latest post for the Telegram users, Pavel apprised about the platform’s strategy in curtailing all the illicit activities on the app. He quipped,

I was told I may be personally responsible for other people’s illegal use of Telegram because the French authorities didn’t receive responses from Telegram.”

Pavel Durov refuted the above allegations, stating that “Telegram has an official representative in the European Union that accepts and replies to EU requests.” He further claimed that the EU representative for Telegram has an email address that is accessible by a simple search on Google. He added that as a French citizen he was a frequent guest at the French consulate in Dubai, where he had set up the HQs of Telegram. Durov claimed that he “personally helped establish a hotline for France to deal with threats of terrorism.” In his scathing third pointer, the techpreneur remarked that “Using pre-smartphone era laws to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform is a misguided approach.” He added,

“Building technology is hard enough as it is. No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools.”

Durov quipped,

“Establishing the right balance between privacy and security is not easy.“

See Also: Musk Reacts To Telegram's Billionaire Founder Pavel Durov’s Arrest In France; Asks Why Zuck Is Not Arrested Instead

Remarking upon how striking a balance between privacy and security has been banal to platforms, Durov stated that Telegram was banned in Russia for this very reason, as they refused the regime’s request to “hand over encryption keys to enable surveillance.” Got banned in Iran for refusing to cower to the regime’s similar demand.

See Also: ‘Stop Using WhatsApp, It’s A Surveillance Tool’ Warns Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

See Also: Telegram’s Possible Ban In India Triggers Memes Online; Internet Asks ‘Ab Mai Web Series Kese Dekhunga?’

See Also: Telegram’s Pavel Durov Explains How He ‘Selects The Best Of The Best Of The Best’ Engineers Without An HR Team

Pavel Durov, in his concluding remark, states that “Telegram is not perfect,” BUT “claims of the app being some sort of anarchic paradise are untrue.” He accepted the fact that sending requests for authorities on the app is very confusing, and it “is something that Telegram should improve.” Further, he remarked that with an abrupt increase in 950+ million growing users, “it became easier for criminals to abuse our platform.” Hence, Durov states that “I made it my personal goal to ensure we significantly improve things.”

See Also: Pavel Durov Released On $8.19 Million Bail But Can’t Leave France; Accused Of Failing To Moderate Telegram

See Also: ‘Threats To Block Telegram Won’t Bear Fruit’ Amid Ongoing French Case, Pavel Durov’s Old Tweet Goes Viral
