Advantages Of working in PHP AS Backend For modern Applications PHP has remained one of the most versatile and pragmatic web development languages in the world today. Its range of functi… Madhukaran In Database
tensorflow vs keras Frameworks play a crucial role in the domain of data science. Frameworks are a collection of packages and libraries which… Madhukaran In AI
Complete Twitter System architecture working for billion users Twitter is an online social networking service where users can post and read short messages called “tweets”. Most candidat… Madhukaran In Bitcoin
Why Ethereum Gas fees are 62% cheaper than last month? Since November 9, 2021, or 46 days ago, transaction fees on the Ethereum network have been cut by more than half the rate … Madhukaran In Bitcoin
Catching memory leaks with Chrome DevTools When allocated memory is not returned back to the operating system or the memory pool, we refer to it as a memory leak. In… Madhukaran In Bitcoin
Why you should use Typesript? Defining TypeScript TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language developed and maintained by the Microsoft Corpor… Madhukaran In Dev
git 2.3.4 is Here. new things to follow up. The Git developers have just released a major new version of the Git command-line utility, Git 2.3.0. As usual, this rele… Madhukaran In Cloud
Beginner's Guide for Rust Programming Language Rust has been voted Stack Overflow’s most loved programming language for five years in a row. This article will tell you w… Madhukaran In Dev
Understanding Concepts Of WebRTC - SDP If you end up here. You probably work on WebRTC project and already know what SDP is for. But not to the extent that you … Madhukaran In chrome
Courses that will help you to learn Python Data science Before paying for a course, it’s a good idea to check what been published out there — there’s a decent amount of high-qual… Madhukaran In Database
Query recommendation system with deep learning using tensorflow Wouldn’t it be cool for your device to predict what could be the next word that you are planning to type? This is similar … Madhukaran In AI