Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Stated Crypto,Nft as Virtual Digital Asset and Legalized with 30% tax The budget proposal to impose a tax on the transfer of virtual digital assets is taken as a huge positive by the investors… Madhukaran In Bitcoin
New Arcade NFT Lending Platform as Blue Chips AS Mutual funds Hold Strong Lending platform Arcade has introduced on Pawn Protocol in a bid to bring liquidity to the non-fungible token (NFT) marke… Madhukaran In blockchain
Google Cloud Compares Blockchain to Open Source/Internet, Forms New Team Google Cloud announced the formation of a new Digital Assets Team for blockchain technology, whose rise it compared to th… Madhukaran In Google
Xiaomi smart glass with In-Built Display Just a few days after Facebook and Ray-Ban unveiled their fairly pedestrian smart glasses, Xiaomi launched a pair of its o… Madhukaran In AI
Why you should use Typesript? Defining TypeScript TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language developed and maintained by the Microsoft Corpor… Madhukaran In Dev
Managing Docker Containers on AWS: Complete guide! Introduction In the previous few posts in this series, we deployed and ran a couple of applications on our EC2 based infra… Madhukaran In amazon
upgrade Windows 8.1 & 7 to Latest Windows 11 by following some condition criteria! Last month, Microsoft officially announced the Windows 11 operating system, which will be available for free to all us… Madhukaran In amazon